My spouse has no earnings history. In the event of my death, will their spousal benefit switch to a higher survivor benefit?
Full question: If my spouse who has no earning history, applies (on my earnings) for reduced spousal benefits now and withdraws and if some thing happens to me before her FRA. The benefits be auto converted to survivor benefits, will benefit be ‘Recalculated’ at that time based on survivor benefits at higher level or will…
Read MoreCan I switch from survivor benefits to my own retirement benefits?
Full question: Can I collect survivor benefits from deceased ex-husband from age 60 until my FRA which is 67, and want to be sure that I can switch over as long as my own retirement benefits are higher. Is this true? Hi there, Yes, that is true. Survivor benefits may be collected as young as…
Read MoreHow do I switch from a spousal benefit to my own benefit online?
Hi there, Go to and on the main page click on “online services” then select “apply for retirement benefits.” Since you are currently collecting benefits on your spouse’s record, you should be able to start a new application for retirement benefits under your own Social Security number. You may also use the SSA online…
Read MoreCan I claim survivor benefits now?
Full question: I have plans to retire January 2024. I am only 64 and want to claim survivors benefits because my husband died on 2006. Want to switch to my social security when I reach the age. Do I have to wait until I retire to start receiving these benefits or can I start now?…
Read MoreCan I switch from an ex-spousal benefit to my own benefit at 70?
Full question: Good morning. I am divorced, 66 years old with two disabled adult children that have lived with me all their lives. One has Autism, the other was injured at age 22 and is a parapalygic. Can I collect 1/2 of my ex-spouse’s Social Security Retirement while I continue working and change over to…
Read MoreCan I apply for ex-spousal benefits now and switch to my own at 70?
Full question: I am full retirement age and have been divorced for more than 10 years. My ex-husband and I have a disabled child (34 year old) that I care for and draws SSDI off of her father who is 70 years old. I have not applied for Social Security benefits, as I was wanting…
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