What is FRA?

Hello, FRA stands for Full Retirement Age. FRA depends on the year you were born. It is the age that you receive 100% of your Social Security retirement benefit. For those born 1943-1954 it was age 66 and those born 1960 and after it is age 67. It goes up 2 months each year for…

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Will my husband’s benefit amount increase when I file for my benefits at age 70?

Full question: My husband is age 50 and has been receiving SSDI income since age 30. I am 63 and intend to file for SS at age 70. Will my husband get a step up based on my PIA at my FRA or is it based on when he reaches his FRA? Hi there, When…

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What is the difference between ROTH IRA and TAXABLE IRA in the Social Security Calculator?

Hello, ROTH IRA funds are tax-free when withdrawn from accounts so are not included in the calculation of any income tax. They are therefore also not part of the calculation used to determine taxation of Social Security income. I hope this is helpful. Take care, Martha

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Can my wife switch to spousal benefits at her FRA?

Full question: My wife will be able to start her minimal Social Security benefits January 2025. If she does so can she switch to spousal benefits when she reaches full retirement age? And will those spousal benefits remain 50 percent of my FRA benefits or be reduced because of her earlier start? Hi there, This…

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How do I correct my Social Security earnings history?

Full question: My earnings on Social Security website show zero earnings even though taxes were with held from paycheck. How do I get this corrected? Hi there, You can submit past income tax filings and/or paychecks to the SSA to have those years updated. There are some restrictions on how far back these corrections can…

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Will my younger spouse need to wait until FRA in order to claim my benefit as surviving spouse?

Full question: Does my younger spouse need to wait for her FRA in order to claim my benefit as surviving spouse? She will claim early at age 62 in 2031 while I am waiting to claim at age 70 in 2025. Hi there, If you were to pass away prior to your spouse claiming her…

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