Can I receive SSDI benefits if I also receive a pension?

Full question: Two years ago, I left my job and took an early retirement with pension due to muscular dystrophy. My pension is half of what I made monthly when working and considered going back to work. I am at a point in my life due to my disease that I’m not able to go…

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I currently receive disability benefits. Will my benefits decrease when I reach FRA because of my earnings history?

Hi there, If you are collecting Social Security disability insurance, SSDI, you will still collect the same amount at full retirement age, but the benefit will be considered a retirement benefit and paid from a different SSA trust fund. Take care, Martha

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Are Medicare benefits different when switching from disability to retirement?

Hi there, No, they are not different. I am assuming you are asking about reaching full retirement on SSDI and having that benefit converted to a retirement benefit. You should not see any change in your Medicare. But it is wise to verify as you transition just to make sure. Best of luck, Martha

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I was told I need to pay back my survivor benefits since I also receive disability. What can I do?

Full question: I received my widows benefits for 2 years. Then I was approved for disability and now they are telling me I have to pay all the widows benefits back because I couldn’t get both, but that wasn’t my fault. Hello, You are in a very unique situation, and it is difficult for us…

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Will I receive more SSDI if my temporary disability becomes a permanent disability?

Full question: Would a person receiving SSDI now on temporary disability get more money monthly if she was diagnosed with a permanent disability? Hi there, Temporary or short term disability insurance, STD, is employer sponsored or purchased privately. It requires that the disability lasts from 1 to 13 weeks and that you are only unable…

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