Will one lose the benefits for their disabled child if they don’t report income?

Full question: I pay a cleaning lady to clean my Airbnb. She does not report the income, afraid she will lose her Social Security she gets for her disabled child. Who can she speak to about what she can/cannot earn? Hi there, I am not sure how old her disabled child is and if they…

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Do I qualify for ex-spousal survivor benefits?

Full question: Hello, my son received survivors benefits until the age of 19. I also received survivor’s benefits due to be the ex-spouse caregiver of my son, but my portion stopped when my son turned 16. My son is now 21 and was just approved for DAC disability. Would I qualify to receive payment again…

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Can my daughter receive SSDI benefits based on both parents’ records?

Full question: I am divorced. I have a child on SSI who lives with me. Recently her mother applied for her Social Security retirement and we were notified we could apply for SSDI. I am eligible for SS Retirement, but have not yet applied. If I apply will my daughter receive SSDI benefits on both…

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Will divorce affect my ex-spousal or child-in-care benefits?

Full question: I am 61, and my husband and I have been separated for years. We have a disabled adult daughter, who lives with me. She currently receives the DAC benefit and I receive the spousal child in care benefit. We are going to finally divorce, does the child in care benefit stop, since I…

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Am I eligible for child-in-care ex-spousal benefits if I was married for 9 years?

Full question: Hi there. I have a very complicated question. My ex spouse and I were married for 9 years. Together we adopted our daughter, K. K is severely disabled. We shall call my ex J. After J and I divorced, I briefly married A. We are now also divorced. In the event that J…

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Can I switch from an ex-spousal benefit to my own benefit at 70?

Full question: Good morning. I am divorced, 66 years old with two disabled adult children that have lived with me all their lives. One has Autism, the other was injured at age 22 and is a parapalygic. Can I collect 1/2 of my ex-spouse’s Social Security Retirement while I continue working and change over to…

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