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Martha Shedden is RSSA’s President and Co-Founder. Read Martha’s responses to questions regarding Social Security. View all questions or browse by category. Submit your own question to Martha here.
Will my benefit be reduced based on my foreign pension?
Full question: I worked in Sweden 21 years before coming to America. I have full credits to qualify for each independently. My Swedish earning were not used to calculate my benefit amount for SS, only my US earnings. But my benefit has been reduced based on my Swedish pension. Is this correct? Hi there, We…
Read MoreHow do I switch from a spousal benefit to my own benefit online?
Hi there, Go to and on the main page click on “online services” then select “apply for retirement benefits.” Since you are currently collecting benefits on your spouse’s record, you should be able to start a new application for retirement benefits under your own Social Security number. You may also use the SSA online…
Read MoreDo my future Social Security benefits decrease if my salary decreases?
Full question: I am 65 and pretty much retired since last year. Since my salary last year was very low $22,000 and have made much less this year I noticed my Social Security check diminished by $100 if I wait until I am 70 years old to draw. Will it continue to diminish if I…
Read MoreAm I eligible for child-in-care ex-spousal benefits if I was married for 9 years?
Full question: Hi there. I have a very complicated question. My ex spouse and I were married for 9 years. Together we adopted our daughter, K. K is severely disabled. We shall call my ex J. After J and I divorced, I briefly married A. We are now also divorced. In the event that J…
Read MoreDoes the WEP rule apply to my Social Security retirement benefit when I collect a pension from the UK?
Full question: Hi Martha, Would you be able to calculate what the WEP impact would be for my Social Security work payments while I was working USA (started taking at 62 once I retired and returned to UK ). I am looking at the impact if I decide to take my UK government retirement pension….
Read MoreWill a French pension impact a spousal and/or personal Social Security benefit?
Full question: Hello, Martha — my wife receives a Social Security check that’s based partly on her earnings ($500/month) and partly on a spousal benefit that brings her monthly payment up to half of mine. She is eligible for a small pension from France for work that she did before moving to the US. The…
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