Should I wait until age 70 to get my full benefit?

Full question: I’m remarried 4 years to my husband, age 72. He waited until 70 to begin his Social Security benefits, and is still working as a partner in a law firm. I just turned 69, still working as an independent life & health agent. I have not turned on Social Security benefits yet, and…

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Will I receive more SSDI if my temporary disability becomes a permanent disability?

Full question: Would a person receiving SSDI now on temporary disability get more money monthly if she was diagnosed with a permanent disability? Hi there, Temporary or short term disability insurance, STD, is employer sponsored or purchased privately. It requires that the disability lasts from 1 to 13 weeks and that you are only unable…

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How do I find out if my own benefits at 70 will be higher than my survivor benefits?

Full question: Hi Martha, I’ve been collecting Survivor benefits since I was 66. I’ll be turning 70 in October. How do I find out if my own benefits at 70 will be higher than my deceased spouse’s? Hi there, You should contact your local Social Security office to verify if you are eligible for a higher…

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Will earned income impact my Social Security benefits?

Full question: I’m looking to publish my own book, but I’m concerned that if my sales will only be enough to negate my SSI, that I will be left destitute. My research says that royalties such as from book sales are not counted as income for SSI, but I find it prudent to seek outside…

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Does the family maximum benefit apply to child-in-care benefits?

Full question: My ex spouse passed away. We were married over 10 years ,5 kids 4 disabled. The kids get survivors benefits. the SSA office states I qualify for benefits but I can’t get them because it’s at the max benefits and we stay together! ( of course we do, they are minors!) I thought…

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Can my husband collect Social Security from his deceased first wife?

Full question: This question is for my husband. His first wife died 7 years ago at age 55 and made more money than my husband. We got married 4 years ago. He is ready to retire. Can he get her Social Security benefits? Hello, Individuals who have lost a spouse may still be eligible to…

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