Why won’t my friend receive back pay for survivor benefits?

Full question: My friends husband passed 5 years ago and she was told she had to wait until she was 60 to apply for survivor benefits. She will receive $367 more a month but no back pay, why? Hi there, Yes survivor benefits can be collected as early as age 60, but at a reduced…

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Can someone younger than age 60 collect benefits if their spouse died and they have a young child?

Full question: My brother-in-law was collecting Social Security for himself and two minor children. He has since passed; my sister-in-law is collecting money for the two children. She is 59 and is being denied benefits for herself because she is not age 60. Is she eligible to collect for herself since one of the children…

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Is there a way to expedite a Social Security disability case?

Full question: I have an SSD case open for my husband. They say 4 months. Any way to expedite this? Hi there, Social Security disability cases can be extremely lengthy and hard to navigate. Almost all cases for disability are denied the first time unless a terminal illness is present. We usually recommend working with…

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Will I automatically be enrolled in Medicare at age 65 if I am currently collecting survivor benefits?

Full question: If someone is drawing Survivor benefits (since ago 60), will they automatically be enrolled in Medicare at 65 when they age in. Or are the only automatically enrolled if they are drawing their own/spousal benefits? Hello, Yes, if they are receiving benefits, the Social Security Administration will automatically sign them up at age…

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My wife has a teaching pension. Is she eligible for spousal benefits?

Full question: My wife is a teacher in Texas and eligible for full teacher retirement. Can she earn partial SS benefits under myself as her spouse? Hi there, If your wife is collecting a “non-covered” pension from work that did not pay into Social Security, then yes, she would be affected by the Government Pension…

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If I remarry someone younger than me and not at FRA, how will it impact our Social Security income?

Full question: I am currently widowed. I am still working, but would like to know if I retired at full retirement age and remarried a person that is not of retirement age, how it would impact Social Security income both now and in the future? Hi there, Re-marriage and Social Security can be complicated. You…

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