Can I apply for ex-spousal benefits now and switch to my own at 70?

Full question: I am full retirement age and have been divorced for more than 10 years. My ex-husband and I have a disabled child (34 year old) that I care for and draws SSDI off of her father who is 70 years old. I have not applied for Social Security benefits, as I was wanting…

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Can I receive a survivor benefit from my ex-husband if I got remarried?

Full question: I’m 65, in dire financial shape (making work difficult since pandemic). I qualify for a bewildering smorgasborg, all but Survivor/Widow’s… It seems perilous for me to go in without better preparation. I think it would be different if I didn’t actually need this so badly. My ex’s earnings are much higher than mine…

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I was told I need to pay back my survivor benefits since I also receive disability. What can I do?

Full question: I received my widows benefits for 2 years. Then I was approved for disability and now they are telling me I have to pay all the widows benefits back because I couldn’t get both, but that wasn’t my fault. Hello, You are in a very unique situation, and it is difficult for us…

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I am divorced and single. My ex-husband is remarried. Can I still collect Social Security based on his record?

Full question: I have been divorced from my 2nd husband for 10 years now and have not remarried. He, however, remarried 2 years ago. When I’m able to draw Social Security Retirement in 10 years, can I still draw off him or will I only be able to draw what I’ve paid in during the…

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Should I wait until age 70 to get my full benefit?

Full question: I’m remarried 4 years to my husband, age 72. He waited until 70 to begin his Social Security benefits, and is still working as a partner in a law firm. I just turned 69, still working as an independent life & health agent. I have not turned on Social Security benefits yet, and…

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How do I find out if my own benefits at 70 will be higher than my survivor benefits?

Full question: Hi Martha, I’ve been collecting Survivor benefits since I was 66. I’ll be turning 70 in October. How do I find out if my own benefits at 70 will be higher than my deceased spouse’s? Hi there, You should contact your local Social Security office to verify if you are eligible for a higher…

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