Will student loan forgiveness affect current Social Security benefits?

Hi there, Social Security can garnish up to 15 percent of your benefits if you default on federal student loan debt. However, there is a cap to what they can leave with you. Your benefits cannot be less than $750/month. There are some special rules regarding student loans, disability, Social Security, and more. For personalized…

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If I remarry someone younger than me and not at FRA, how will it impact our Social Security income?

Full question: I am currently widowed. I am still working, but would like to know if I retired at full retirement age and remarried a person that is not of retirement age, how it would impact Social Security income both now and in the future? Hi there, Re-marriage and Social Security can be complicated. You…

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Can I collect my Social Security to make up the difference between my benefit and my survivor benefit?

Full question: My husband is in hospice. When he passes, I will be able to collect his railroad pension, but no longer mine. Can I collect my Social Security to make up for the lost? Hi there, I am sorry about your husband. Railroad retirement benefits and Social Security benefits are similar. There are a…

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Can I collect Social Security from my ex-husband?

Full question: Can I collect my ex-husband’s Social Security at 72, even though we were married for 17 years and I started collecting disability early and then when I became age to get my Social Security it switched over? Hi there, If you were married for at least 10 years, you could be eligible for…

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Will my Medicaid waiver payments reduce my Social Security benefits?

Full question: For caring for my adult disabled child in my home, I receive Medicaid waiver payments designated as “difficulty of care payments” under notice 2014-7, which are excludable from my gross income for both income taxes and FICA. If I begin to collect early retirement benefits before my FRA, do these payments above $19,560…

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I have two disabled children. Am I eligible for ex-spousal benefits?

Full question: I am 61 and divorced. I’m caring for our 2 disabled sons by myself. My ex-husband has remarried and moved 2,000 miles away. He hasn’t retired yet. I’m not working. Am I qualified to claim any of his Social Security on behalf of my sons? Hi there, If you were married for at…

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