Will the earnings test apply if I work a part time job, making my earnings above the annual limit?
Full question: I will turn 65 in 4/22, not drawing Social Security right now and still working. If I begin drawing Social Security now and retire this summer with my income being just short of 19.5K, avoiding the penalty, but in the fall pick up little part time job maybe making $500 or so a…
Read MoreWill my benefit decrease for retiring before collecting Social Security?
Full question: I retired at age 60, since I am no longer working will my benefit amount go down for the years not worked before I start collecting Social Security? Hi there, Your benefit amount is calculated based on your highest 35 years of earnings both indexed and face value. If you worked less than…
Read MoreCan paid insurance premiums be deducted from my earned income to avoid earning limit penalties?
Full question: At age 62 I’m going to apply for Social Security and still work part-time. I will purchase health insurance on my own. Can premiums paid be deducted from income earned to conform to earning limits to avoid penalties? Hello, Unfortunately, no. There are no strategies that can lower your earned wages to stay…
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