Am I eligible to collect an ex-spousal benefit if my ex’s benefit is higher than mine?

Full question: I was married to my husband for 17 years and then divorced, can I draw my ex-husband benefit since his is higher than mine? Hi there, Yes, you may be eligible to collect benefits based on your ex-spouse’s earnings if you were married at least 10 years, are currently single, your ex-spouse is…

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Will my deceased husband’s foreign pension affect my survivor benefit?

Full question: I, the beneficiary, am eligible to receive a part of my deceased husband’s UK widow’s clergy pension. Will it affect my survivor Social Security benefit?. Hello, No, it will not for two reasons. If you are collecting a pension benefit based on someone else’s earnings (your husband), the Government Pension Offset (GPO) rule…

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If an individual is turning their FRA and still working to earn 40 credits, will the new credits be added into their PIA?

Full question: If a retiree is turning their FRA and they do not have all 40 credits required to receive the full benefit, can they continue to work to obtain all 40 credits? If this retiree claims at his FRA, can he continue to work and will the credits be automatically recalculated into his PIA?…

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Is one eligible to receive Medicare benefits based on a spouse’s earning record?

Full question: My spouse is now receiving his retirement and Medicare benefits. I work intermittently and may never earn 40 credits. Will I be entitled/eligible to receive Medicare benefits as his spouse when I turn 65? Hello, Yes, you will! Just as you may be eligible to collect Social Security spousal benefits based on your…

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Will earnings at ages 58 and 59 be indexed for inflation and increase the PIA?

Full question: If a 58-year-old employee of a corporation is able to increase his wages during this year and the year he is 59, will they be indexed for inflation and increase his PIA?  Hello, The Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) is based on our highest 35 years of earnings, and those up through your 59th…

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Can I collect disability and survivor benefits at the same time?

Full question: I am soon to be 65 in September. I am drawing disability. I met with a Social Security agent in 2019 and asked if I could apply for Survivor’s benefits, because my husband died in 2012. He told me I could not have both disability and Survivor’s Benefits. Is that true? Hi there,…

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