Do I need to share my self-employment earnings with Social Security Administration?

Full question: I’ve worked for corporations since 1975 and have SSA earned income from those jobs. I also own a small business (since 1994, LLC with average total income $5k per year) that rarely shows a profit. Do I need to include that as ‘self employment’ if I have no earned income from the business?…

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Can I still receive ex-spousal benefits if I remarry?

Full question: I was married for 34 years and am now divorced. When I start collecting Social Security benefits of my own and my ex husband collectively and get married to a NON US citizen, will I still be able to receive the full benefit of both mine and my ex’s social security? I was…

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How do I get the money back that was withheld from the earnings test?

Full question: When Social Security benefits are paid back due to the earnings limits, how are these dollars recouped later? Hi there, It sounds like you are affected by the earnings test, which applies to those who are: Younger than their full retirement age, FRA, Still working, and Also collecting retirement benefits. If the earnings…

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I have a teaching pension. Why can’t I collect Social Security?

Full question: I am 71 years old. My school district at the time I taught did not allow me to pay Social Security. I did pay it through side jobs I worked at in summers and after school, but I’m not allowed to collect the full amount I actually earned which would be about $500…

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I have a pension. Can I still receive survivor benefits?

Full question: I’m a retired widow from City Government, and I received a pension for all the years I worked for them. They informed me I don’t qualify for my husband’s benefits because of my pension. I would like to know if this is correct. My husband contributed to Social Security for almost 50 years….

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I recently became disabled at age 64. Am I eligible to claim disability benefits or SSI?

Full question: I am 65 and started collecting retirement benefits at age 62. I became disabled at age 64. Am I eligible to claim disability benefits or SSI? Hi there, If you become disabled after filing early for retirement benefits, and are approved for Social Security Disability Insurance, SSDI, you can switch to SSDI benefits…

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