Do I qualify for ex-spousal survivor benefits?
Full question: Hello, my son received survivors benefits until the age of 19. I also received survivor’s benefits due to be the ex-spouse caregiver of my son, but my portion stopped when my son turned 16. My son is now 21 and was just approved for DAC disability. Would I qualify to receive payment again…
Read MoreCan my daughter receive SSDI benefits based on both parents’ records?
Full question: I am divorced. I have a child on SSI who lives with me. Recently her mother applied for her Social Security retirement and we were notified we could apply for SSDI. I am eligible for SS Retirement, but have not yet applied. If I apply will my daughter receive SSDI benefits on both…
Read MoreWill divorce affect my ex-spousal or child-in-care benefits?
Full question: I am 61, and my husband and I have been separated for years. We have a disabled adult daughter, who lives with me. She currently receives the DAC benefit and I receive the spousal child in care benefit. We are going to finally divorce, does the child in care benefit stop, since I…
Read MoreAm I eligible for child-in-care ex-spousal benefits if I was married for 9 years?
Full question: Hi there. I have a very complicated question. My ex spouse and I were married for 9 years. Together we adopted our daughter, K. K is severely disabled. We shall call my ex J. After J and I divorced, I briefly married A. We are now also divorced. In the event that J…
Read MoreCan I switch from an ex-spousal benefit to my own benefit at 70?
Full question: Good morning. I am divorced, 66 years old with two disabled adult children that have lived with me all their lives. One has Autism, the other was injured at age 22 and is a parapalygic. Can I collect 1/2 of my ex-spouse’s Social Security Retirement while I continue working and change over to…
Read MoreDoes the family maximum benefit apply to child-in-care benefits?
Full question: My ex spouse passed away. We were married over 10 years ,5 kids 4 disabled. The kids get survivors benefits. the SSA office states I qualify for benefits but I can’t get them because it’s at the max benefits and we stay together! ( of course we do, they are minors!) I thought…
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