When should I apply for my Social Security benefits?
Full question: I will be 62 in 8 months, when should I apply for Social Security? Hi there, Everyone has a unique situation when it comes to collecting Social Security. There are many factors to consider when deciding the best time for an individual to file for benefits including, but not limited to life expectancy,…
Read MoreHow do I cancel my Social Security application?
Full question: How do I cancel my SSI application? Hello there, To begin, I want to clarify that SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income, not Social Security Income. The SSI acronym is commonly mistaken for Social Security. To cancel your SSI (Supplemental Security Income) application, fill out Social Security Form SSA-521. Include the reason you…
Read MoreWhen do the 12 months to re-do an application begin?
Full question: For the 12 months to re-do application, I am confused about exactly when it starts. Count from the first month retirees start collecting benefits or from the first month of applying? Hello, If you change your mind about starting your benefits, you can cancel your application for up to 12 months after you…
Read MoreI receive Social Security already. Can I cancel my benefits now and reapply later?
Hi there, Yes, there are two opportunities to stop payments and reapply to start again later. If you have been collecting benefits for less than 12 months, you may withdraw your application. This requires you to pay back any Social Security income you have collected, but essentially “wipes the slate clean” so you can reapply…
Read MoreWhat are the requirements and how does my wife file for Social Security disability insurance, SSDI, benefits?
Full question: I am 66.5 and my wife is 66 and disabled. I am going to wait until I’m 70 because I still work, but my wife was wondering do you receive more benefits if you are filing disabled? And what do you need to do in order to file for disability under Social Security?…
Read MoreI am turning 63 in August and I am applying in May to start receiving benefits in September. Will I get the amount for age 63?
Full question: I am turning 63 in August of this year. I am applying now in May to start receiving benefits in September. I want to get the amount for age 63. Will that work? Hi there, Your benefit check is based on the month that you select to “start benefits” on your application and…
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