Will I get more money if I collect off of my adult disabled child’s benefits?

Full question: So I’m 59 and I care for my deceased former spouse’s adult disabled child, would I get more money if I collect off his benefits when I turn 60 or does it not matter? He never remarried so my son only collects off of his father’s benefits, but he is living with me….

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I am 61 and caring for my disabled adult son. Are my son and I eligible for Social Security benefits?

Full question: I work full time and care for my disabled adult son, my ex recently started getting disability. Can I qualify for anything? It gets very exhausting at 61 to do all I am doing. Hello, Yes, maybe. When you turn 62, you may be eligible for benefits based on your ex-spouse’s earnings if…

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When should my wife collect Social Security and what can she collect?

Full question: My wife turns 64 in August and I’m 59 and will be working until 65. Then collect at my full retirement age. When should my wife collect and what can she collect? Hi there, Without further details it is not possible to give you an accurate answer. RSSAs consider your ages, but also…

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My divorced spousal benefit is more than my own benefit. I also have a pension from Belgium. Will WEP apply?

Full question: I have social security benefits but would like to apply for Divorced Spouse as I will receive more than from my own record. I also receive a pension from Belgium. I know that GPO will not apply but will WEP apply? Hi there, The WEP rule only affects your retirement benefits, not dependent…

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I’m a widow with an ex-husband. Can I collect from his Social Security?

Hi there, Widows and Widowers may be eligible for survivor benefits from a previous marriage; however, the answer is not a simple one. In cases like this it is not always a one size fits all answer. Ex-spousal survivor benefits depend on the age you begin taking them, what your own benefit is, how long…

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I have an adult child with a disability. Should I wait until I’m 60 to collect survivor benefits?

Full question: Martha, is it better if I wait until I’m 60 to collect off deceased ex-husband’s survivor benefits if I’m caring for our disabled adult son while I’m 59 years of age? Hi there, A survivor benefit can be taken as early as age 60. Deciding when to collect survivor benefits and your own…

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