I will turn 65 next year, but will continue working. Should I enroll in Medicare then and how much will it cost each month?

Full question: I will turn 65 on June 12,2021 and I plan on still working until I’m 70 if my health allows it. Should I stop paying my health insurance then ($600/mo.) and pick up Medicare with a supplemental plan? And if I did this, how much a month do I have to pay for…

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Am I entitled to a benefit based on my ex-spouse’s record if I care for a disabled adult child?

Full question: I am age 60, disabled, retired and receive disability from SSA. My ex-spouse over 20 years is disabled and receives disability from SSA. I have been caring for our disabled son since age 16 and he is now 29 receiving benefits from his dad’s record as a disabled adult. Can I receive benefits…

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Can my wife and I use the restricted application filing strategy?

Full question: I was born in 1953 and my wife was born in 1958. I would like to wait to start collecting until age 70 in 2023. Can we use the restricted application filing strategy? Hi there! Yes, you may be able to use this claiming strategy. Since your wife is 62 in 2020, she…

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Will my wife’s earnings impact her eligibility to receive spousal benefits?

Full question: I just turned 69 and filed for Social Security benefits. My monthly benefit is $2,900. My wife is only 63 and she still works. Can she collect a spousal benefit and will her earnings impact this? Hi there, If you just started collecting at age 69 and your benefit is $2,900 then your…

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What is my mom eligible to collect from my deceased dad’s benefits if she is currently working?

Full question: My mom just turned 62, not yet collecting Social Security. Her husband (my dad) died at age 46. She works full-time. What is my mom eligible to collect from my deceased dad’s benefits and will her current income have an impact on this? Hello, Your mom should look into survivor benefits if she…

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What would my family receive in Social Security benefits if I start collecting now at age 63 vs. waiting to collect at my FRA?

Full Question: Should I retire and pull benefits? This is probably a question you have been asked a million times – but some facts: I am 63 years and 7 months old (on the 22nd) and I am eligible to retire. My wife is 10 years younger than me. We both work for the state…

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