Can I switch from survivors benefits to my own retirement benefit when I turn 70?
Full question: I am receiving survivors benefits from my deceased ex-husband. Am I able to start drawing mine when I turn 70? Hi there, Yes, you can start collecting your own retirement benefit at age 70 if the amount is greater than the survivor benefit you are collecting. Anyone eligible to collect more than one…
Read MoreCan I receive Social Security earnings credit under the Social Security Caregiver Credit Act of 2021?
Full question: I am a caregiver for my special needs niece for approximately 4 months per year. Can I receive social security earnings credit under the Social Security Caregiver Credit Act of 2021? Hi there, Unfortunately, the Social Security Caregiver Credit Act of 2021 at this time, is just a proposed Bill in congress. This…
Read MoreIf a child is disabled before the age of 22 are they eligible to collect SSI or an adult disabled child benefit?
Full question: Client has an autistic child who is now 22 years old. He has never collected Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI). Client now wonders if his son would qualify for Social Security Disability. His son is unable to work. I have researched Disability Benefits and Benefits for children with disabilities on I believe…
Read MoreCan my spouse collect their own retirement benefit at FRA and later switch to a higher spousal benefit once I begin collecting?
Full question: Is there any penalty if my spouse begins collecting their Social Security Benefit at FRA, while I wait to turn 70 and then apply for the spousal benefit (presuming 50% is larger than theirs)? Hello there, Yes, a retiree can collect their own retirement benefit at any time age 62 or later. Once…
Read MoreWill the earnings test apply if I work a part time job, making my earnings above the annual limit?
Full question: I will turn 65 in 4/22, not drawing Social Security right now and still working. If I begin drawing Social Security now and retire this summer with my income being just short of 19.5K, avoiding the penalty, but in the fall pick up little part time job maybe making $500 or so a…
Read MoreWill my benefit decrease for retiring before collecting Social Security?
Full question: I retired at age 60, since I am no longer working will my benefit amount go down for the years not worked before I start collecting Social Security? Hi there, Your benefit amount is calculated based on your highest 35 years of earnings both indexed and face value. If you worked less than…
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