Will I get the larger amount if I qualify for multiple benefits?

Full question: I get survivors benefits now, I am 65 and have worked 27 years past my husbands death. If I continue his until 70 and then switch to mine (I’m still working) will I get a larger check?  Hi there, Thank you for the question about collecting survivor benefits and switching to your own…

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How do I withdraw my Social Security application?

Full question: Hi Martha, I applied for SSI a month ago but then decided that I wanted to cancel the process so I went to the Social Security office and the person that spoke to me told me that he couldn’t do it, that I needed a telephone appointment to do that. I have read…

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I am caring for a disabled child. Am I eligible for ex-spousal benefits if my ex has not collected yet?

Full question: Can you draw disability Social Security off of ex husband that isn’t drawing yet and you are taking care of his disabled child? Hello, Thank you for the question about divorced spousal benefits. If you are divorced and were married for at least 10 years you may be eligible for ex-spousal benefits. If…

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I am 63 and caring for my adult disabled child. Can I collect ex-spousal benefits now without penalty?

Full question: I am 63 caring for my adult disabled child full time. My ex spouse, his father, is 62 (we were married 19 years). Am I able to collect on his work record right now without early penalty (he is still working, not retired) ? Would that be at the 50% divorced spouse rate?…

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Will my foreign pension lower my American Social Security benefits? What about my spousal benefits?

Full question: If my spousal SS benefit is higher than SS benefit based on own contribution (> 40 credit) would a foreign pension of a country with a totalization agreement lower US social security benefits? Hi, That is a great question. Generally speaking, foreign pensions do not affect Social Security spousal and survivor dependent benefits….

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Can I receive a spousal benefit if I have a German pension?

Full question: I am English and live and work in Germany. I was married to a US citizen for 33 years. Will I be entitled to 50% if his social security when I retire at 67 ( 7 years from now) . I will receive a Small German Pension based on my mandatory contributions. Hi…

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