When will my Social Security benefits start as a result of HR 82?
Full question: I’m a retired teacher in California and now qualify for Social Security payments for earlier Social Security work. I’m 67. When will the benefits start for me? Hi there, I am assuming you are referring to benefits due to you now, with passage of The Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82). On January…
Read MoreI have a teaching pension. Why can’t I collect Social Security?
Full question: I am 71 years old. My school district at the time I taught did not allow me to pay Social Security. I did pay it through side jobs I worked at in summers and after school, but I’m not allowed to collect the full amount I actually earned which would be about $500…
Read MoreCan I get my Social Security taxes back if I will never be eligible for benefits?
Full question: I have contributed Social security taxes for only 5 years and I am not eligible for spousal or survivor benefits. I will be receiving a teachers pension in the future. Can I get my SS taxes back for the 5 years, since I will never be eligible for the SS retirement benefits? Hi…
Read MoreMy wife has a teaching pension. Is she eligible for spousal benefits?
Full question: My wife is a teacher in Texas and eligible for full teacher retirement. Can she earn partial SS benefits under myself as her spouse? Hi there, If your wife is collecting a “non-covered” pension from work that did not pay into Social Security, then yes, she would be affected by the Government Pension…
Read MoreHow does a teaching pension impact Social Security survivor benefits?
Full question: My mom (68 years old) is receiving survivor benefits and is in the process of selecting an annuity option from TRS. She doesn’t have 40 credits and paid into TRS only. We’ve been prepping and searching for answers on IF and how a partial lump-sum option affects the government pension offset, GPO. Do…
Read MoreI am a widow and a teacher with a pension. Am I entitled to any Social Security?
Full question: I am 57, at 45 became a widow. I was told I could receive benefits at 60. Problem is I am a teacher in public school system. I called Social Security and they said I am not entitled to anything because my estimated pension monthly is more than my husband monthly Social. Is…
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