Will I be required to apply for my Social Security benefits when I become eligible?

Original question: Will I be forced to apply for my own SS retirement benefits when I become eligible even though I am receiving SS Spousal benefits at the time? Hi there, You can only collect the higher of the benefits you are eligible to receive when when you apply. So if you are currently collecting…

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Can I file for ex-spousal benefits and switch to mine when I retire at 70?

Full question: Martha, I am over 62 years old and divorced, we were married over 10 years. My ex-husband is still working he’s 68 years old. I’m still self-employed also, can I file for spousal benefits until I retire at 70 years old? Hi there! The short answer is that yes, it appears that you…

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Can my wife switch to spousal benefits at her FRA?

Full question: My wife will be able to start her minimal Social Security benefits January 2025. If she does so can she switch to spousal benefits when she reaches full retirement age? And will those spousal benefits remain 50 percent of my FRA benefits or be reduced because of her earlier start? Hi there, This…

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Will my own Social Security benefits be more than my current railroad survivor benefits?

Full question: I am drawing the railroad widow benefits. I will be 70 next January. I worked many years and would collect a sizable Social Security check. How do I tell if it would be larger than the tier 1 check from my husband, or is that what I compare? Hi there, You can find…

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If I apply to switch from survivor benefits to my own benefits, how long will it take to go into effect?

Hi there, You can make the decision of when you want to switch from survivor benefits to your own retirement benefits. You should file for those about three months prior to the date you want them to start to allow time for SSA to process the change. The first check in the new amount will…

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Does my husband need to be at FRA in order for me to switch to spousal benefits?

Full question: I am 63 and am wanting to collect my benefits. Can I switch to my husband’s benefits when he retires? Do he have to be at FRA for me to do this? Hi there, When you file, you will be required to be filing for both benefits you are eligible for at the…

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