If I apply to switch from survivor benefits to my own benefits, how long will it take to go into effect?

Hi there, You can make the decision of when you want to switch from survivor benefits to your own retirement benefits. You should file for those about three months prior to the date you want them to start to allow time for SSA to process the change. The first check in the new amount will…

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When can I collect a survivor benefit?

Full question: I’m a 62 year old widower with no dependents. When can I collect my deceased wife’s benefits? She was fully qualified. Hello, Survivor benefits may be collected as early as age 60, but the amount will increase, if delayed, up to your full retirement age, 67. If you are also eligible for your…

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Are there any changes to survivor benefit rules in 2024?

Full question: Has there been any changes to the surviving spouse benefits in 2024. I started drawing my deceased ex-spouse benefits when I reached SS retirement age of 65 or 65 1/2 (don’t recall exact age). I kept working because at the time I was told I could switch to my personal benefits at age…

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How do I switch from survivor benefits to my own benefits?

Full question: I will be 70 in May and have been collecting my deceased spouse’s benefits. Do I have to apply for my own benefits or is there a way to switch? Hi there, If your own retirement benefit at age 70 is a greater amount than the survivor benefit, you could switch to that…

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Will my survivor benefit be impacted by my VA disability compensation?

Full question: I am retired military receiving retired pay. I am also receiving 100% VA Disability compensation. My spouse was drawing SSDI at the time of her death (aged 53). I have not remarried and will turn 60 next year. Am I eligible to receive a Survivor Benefit? If so, is there a reduction due…

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Will my wife be eligible for survivor benefits if she moves back to her country of origin?

Full question: As a U.S. citizen who is eligible for Social Security, would my wife of 7 years, who is a legal permanent resident of the U.S., be eligible for Social Security survivor benefits if she were to decide to move back to her country of origin? Hi there, If your wife qualifies for Social…

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