I’m a widow with an ex-husband. Can I collect from his Social Security?

Hi there, Widows and Widowers may be eligible for survivor benefits from a previous marriage; however, the answer is not a simple one. In cases like this it is not always a one size fits all answer. Ex-spousal survivor benefits depend on the age you begin taking them, what your own benefit is, how long…

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I have an adult child with a disability. Should I wait until I’m 60 to collect survivor benefits?

Full question: Martha, is it better if I wait until I’m 60 to collect off deceased ex-husband’s survivor benefits if I’m caring for our disabled adult son while I’m 59 years of age? Hi there, A survivor benefit can be taken as early as age 60. Deciding when to collect survivor benefits and your own…

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What happens if I switch from survivors benefits to my retirement benefits?

Full question: If I switch from survivors benefits to my retirement benefits (age 67), what happens to the remaining unused survivor benefits? Hi there, When a retiree switches from a survivor benefit to their own retirement benefit, the survivor benefit will no longer be paid unless it is higher than the retirement benefit. If that…

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Does a widow’s survivor benefit get reduced if she is still working?

Full question: I can’t find clarification on survivor benefits and earnings limits. If a husband passes away and the survivor wife is age 55 and is working and caring for kid(s) under 16, does her benefit get reduced because she is working? Hello, Yes, like other Social Security benefits, survivor benefits also are subject to…

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Can I switch from survivors benefits to my own retirement benefit when I turn 70?

Full question: I am receiving survivors benefits from my deceased ex-husband. Am I able to start drawing mine when I turn 70? Hi there, Yes, you can start collecting your own retirement benefit at age 70 if the amount is greater than the survivor benefit you are collecting. Anyone eligible to collect more than one…

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My wife recently passed away. Is there anything I need to do with the Social Security Administration?

Hello, I am very sorry for your loss. In most cases, a funeral home will report a death to the Social Security Administration. You should provide the funeral home with your husband’s Social Security number. You cannot report a death or apply for survivor’s benefits online. You should call 1-800-772-1213 to speak with Social Security…

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