Can I file for ex-spousal benefits and switch to mine when I retire at 70?

Full question: Martha, I am over 62 years old and divorced, we were married over 10 years. My ex-husband is still working he’s 68 years old. I’m still self-employed also, can I file for spousal benefits until I retire at 70 years old? Hi there! The short answer is that yes, it appears that you…

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Can my wife switch to spousal benefits at her FRA?

Full question: My wife will be able to start her minimal Social Security benefits January 2025. If she does so can she switch to spousal benefits when she reaches full retirement age? And will those spousal benefits remain 50 percent of my FRA benefits or be reduced because of her earlier start? Hi there, This…

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How will my Social Security benefits affect my disabled son’s SSI?

Full question: I have a 25 year old son with Down syndrome. He receives SSI currently. His father/my ex-husband and I just turned 63 this year are eligible to receive Social Security benefits. My ex has maxed out his benefits and if I start drawing SS now I will get $1200 per month. How will…

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Do I qualify for some of husband’s benefit if I start receiving my own benefits?

Original question: Would I receive part of my current husbands SS income if I start receiving my own benefits? Hi there! This is a good question and depends on many factors including the amounts of your and your husband’s retirement benefits and what age you start collecting benefits. If your full benefit, the amount you…

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Will my foreign pension reduce my Social Security benefit?

Full question: Hi, I am from El Salvador and I will have a small pension from my 25 years of work. My contribution were taxed already so, when I decide to collect I won’t pay taxes on the amount distributed. I am planning to get Social Security retirement benefits here in USA soon.I worked 30…

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Do I qualify to collect spousal benefits on my spouse’s US Social Security record?

Full question: I am married to an US citizen. I am a permanent resident of the US. I collect a pension from my previous Canadian employer. I have never contributed to US Social Security, but I do qualify to receive Canada Pension Plan payments. My question is do I qualify to collect spousal benefits on…

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