Will my daughter’s benefit increase if my wife suspends her payments?

Full question: My wife receives a spouse with child-in-care payment based on my work record. Currently both her and my child’s payments are reduced due to the family maximum. My wife is going back to work and will suspend her payments because her income will far exceed the max allowed. Will Social Security restore my…

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My spouse passed away at 39. She worked for more than 10 years. What can I expect from Social Security for me and my children?

Full question: My spouse passed away at only 39 years old. She has worked full and part time for more than 10 years. What can I expect in Social Security insurance benefits for myself and our 5 children? Hi there, This is a very important question and has a number or rules that apply to…

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What would my family receive in Social Security benefits if I start collecting now at age 63 vs. waiting to collect at my FRA?

Full Question: Should I retire and pull benefits? This is probably a question you have been asked a million times – but some facts: I am 63 years and 7 months old (on the 22nd) and I am eligible to retire. My wife is 10 years younger than me. We both work for the state…

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