I was married 9.5 years. Am I eligible for ex-spousal child-in-care benefits?

Full question: I’m an ex-spouse, age 70, caring for our adult child with developmental disabilities. I was married 9.5 years. Am I eligible for spousal benefits because of caring for our child with developmental disabilities? Hi there, Unfortunately, you are not eligible for ex-spousal child-in-care benefits because your marriage lasted less than ten years. However,…

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Is my Medicaid waiver difficulty of care payment included as income?

Full question: Is my Medicaid waiver difficulty of care payment included as income for my minor disabled child to receive SSI? Hi there, Parental income is deemed as income to a person under 18 who has a disability and this reduces the child’s SSI because the parents still have a legal obligation to support the…

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I am 58 and my wife is 50. We have a disabled son. What benefits (if any) are we eligible to collect?

Full question: I am 58 (turn 59 in December), and my wife is 50. We have a disabled/autistic child who is 7. My wife is suffering from numerous health issues most of which are attacking her immune system. Consequently, she is unable to provide consistent care for our son. She applied for SS Disability, but…

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I am a caregiver to my disabled granddaughter. Does that count as earned income?

Full question: I just turned 65 and my husband passed away seven months ago at age 66. He was collecting Social Security Disability Insurance, SSDI. The Social Security Administration withheld the first two months of my benefits because I made too much money. My only income is from being caregiver to my granddaughter who is…

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Will my earnings from being a paid caregiver count as earned income for Social Security purposes?

Full question: Since I’ve been a caregiver for my disabled son and am just starting this year as a paid live-in caregiver through medicaid waiver. How will I be able to draw or show I’ve worked for SSI when it comes time for me to retire, since it’s tax exempt. Will it be as if…

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How do I proceed when the Social Security Administration is wrong?

Full question: I am a divorcee, married to my ex for more than 10 years. When he retired I applied for child in care benefits from his retirement, I was 62. Our oldest learning disabled -since birth (now age 40) lives with me. I was approved for child in care benefits in 2019. This past…

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