What is Primary Insurance Amount (PIA)?

Published: July 8, 2020

Hello there,

The Primary Insurance Amount, commonly referred to as PIA, is the full monthly benefit that you receive if you claim at your Full Retirement Age (FRA). Claiming earlier reduces your benefit and waiting to claim later than FRA increases your benefit.

Your PIA is calculated using a specific formula. If you are eligible to collect Social Security in 2020, your PIA would be calculated like this:

The sum of the following:

1) 90% of the first $960 of your average indexed monthly earnings, plus

2) 32% of your average indexed monthly earnings between $960 and $5,785, plus

3) 15% of your average indexed monthly earnings over $5,785

This calculation may seem confusing and you’re not wrong. A Registered Social Security Analyst (RSSA) can help provide you the information you need and help you decide the optimal time to file for Social Security (whether that may be before, after, or at your Full Retirement Age). You can schedule a free consultation with a RSSA at RSSA.com.


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