Pamela Kweller RSSA Staff
National Retirement Security Month became a recognized national effort back in 2006, when the Senate passed a resolution in its support.
On September 30, 2021 the Senate once again passed a resolution honoring the effort and re-confirmed October as the designated National Retirement Security Month. As stated in S. Res. 404, the Senate “supports the goals and ideals of National Retirement Security Month, including raising public awareness of the importance of saving adequately for retirement.”
The Senate encourages States, schools, organizations, businesses and other entities to observe NRSM with programs and activities that support the goals of NRSM including increasing retirement savings, expanding financial literacy, and improving the retirement security of all people in the United States.
S. Res. 404 states that while Social Security remains the major source of retirement income for the majority of people in the United States, it “was never intended to be the sole source of retirement income for families.”
Our nation’s retirement security is a priority. People are living longer and the cost of living longer is expensive. We must educate the people on the importance of saving, how to save, what options are available to help them save, and ensure that they successfully save.
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