What is a covered pension?

Published: June 11, 2024

Full question: Hi Martha, I am 63 and my wife is 62 years of age. I am self-employed and she is a schoolteacher. I am also in the RSSA Program to become a designated analyst. I have been through all of the modules and my final exam is scheduled for May 14th. I did not see the answer to my question. My wife pays into the non-covered pension AND social security through her paycheck. I looked at her pay stub and they are taking out both. How would I enter this into the Roadmap to do an analysis report for us? Neither of us plan on taking SS Income now. Thank you so much!!

Hi there,

It sounds like your wife’s pension is a “covered” pension since her employer is contributing into Social Security from her payroll and will also be providing her with a pension.

If this is true, then when she applies for Social Security this pension will not reduce her benefit amount.

I hope this helps!

Take care,

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