Maximize Your Social Security Benefits

Get every dollar you are entitled to from the government.

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Our RSSA Team

Your RSSA® will answer your questions now and will be there for ongoing support. Your social security advisor will even speak to the Social Security Administration for you if needed. If any changes come up that may affect your benefits, your RSSA® will be there to help you proceed. Your RSSA® looks forward to hearing from you and is eager to help you optimize your future Social Security benefits.

Social Security Advisory Services

Your RSSA® will answer your questions and collect the information needed to begin.

With sophisticated software, your RSSA® will analyze all possible claiming strategies.

You will receive a comprehensive analysis showcasing your claiming options including your most optimal strategy.

How Your RSSA Will Help You

Personalized Report & Presentation

You will be provided with a hard or soft copy of your report and the presentation explaining your personal analysis and plan.

Explanation of Applicable Rules

Your RSSA® will explain the Social Security rules that apply to your situation. You will learn about the benefits that you are eligible for.

Options Summary

You will be provided with a one-page chart detailing the monthly, annual, and lifetime benefits of your claiming options. It will state the exact month and year to file for each option.


During your 45 minute consultation with your RSSA®, an in depth look at your Social Security optimization will be presented so that you have a clear understanding of your claiming options.

Social Security Plan

Your RSSA® will review your options summary with you and the impact of other factors such as pensions, survivor benefits, future earnings and more. Together you will decide which option is best.

Continuous Support

Your RSSA® is there to help you. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to reach out.

Did You Know?

Get Expert Social Security Advice

Optimize Your Social Security Benefits with Confidence

We can help clients save hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional Social Security benefits that they have earned and are entitled to.  We help clients determine when they should file and start collecting Social Security based upon their unique situation and historical earnings records. Everyone’s situation is unique. Whether you are single, married, divorced, widowed or a self-employed business owner, an RSSA® can help you get every dollar you are entitled to from the government, and optimize your benefits.

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