Norm Haug RSSA Staff
The interaction between international pensions and U.S. Social Security benefits can be a complex and intricate matter. One significant aspect of this complexity arises when individuals have worked in both Japan and the United States and are eligible for benefits from both countries. To help individuals in such situations, the United States and Japan have a Totalization Agreement in place, which outlines specific rules governing these circumstances. In this article, we’ll explore how a Japanese pension can impact Social Security benefits in the United States, including the Totalization Agreement and related provisions.
The Totalization Agreement
The United States and Japan have established a Totalization Agreement, which aims to provide protection to individuals who have contributed to the social security systems of both countries. This agreement helps such individuals qualify for benefits from both the U.S. Social Security system and the Japanese pension system.
Under this agreement, individuals can generally combine their work credits from both the United States and Japan, making it easier to meet the eligibility requirements for Social Security benefits. However, it’s important to note that not all Japanese pensions fall under this agreement. For instance, the National Pension Fund, the Employees’ Pension Fund (corporate pension funds with voluntary participation and contributions), the pension system for members of local assemblies, and certain other Japanese non-contributory allowances are not covered by the agreement.
Impact on Benefits
When you’re eligible for both U.S. Social Security benefits and Japanese pension benefits, the Totalization Agreement can influence the amount of benefits you receive from each country. Specifically, your U.S. Social Security benefits may be affected if your Japanese pension is based on work that was not covered by Social Security.
Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
One crucial aspect to consider is the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), a U.S. law designed to prevent individuals from receiving disproportionately high Social Security benefits due to pensions earned through non-covered employment. If you receive a Japanese pension based on work that was not covered by U.S. Social Security and also qualify for U.S. Social Security benefits, your U.S. benefit may be subject to the WEP. The WEP reduces the percentage of your average indexed monthly earnings used to calculate your Social Security benefit.
Seek Expert Guidance
Typically, an RSSA can help with many of your questions and can provide help with planning for your benefits; however, given the intricacies and potential complexities involved and the fact that the SSA will make the ultimate determination of the impact of a Japanese pension on your U.S. Social Security benefits, you should contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) and ensure that you speak with someone who fully understands the Totalization Agreement between the U.S. and Japan. It may take several attempts to find a qualified individual at the SSA to address your situation correctly. Be persistent and patient until you identify a person who understands how the Totalization Agreement, WEP, and other rules may apply to your unique circumstances.
Understanding the interplay between a Japanese pension and U.S. Social Security benefits is essential for individuals with work histories in both countries. While the Totalization Agreement provides a framework for eligibility, the impact on benefits can vary depending on factors such as the type of pension and your work history. Seeking expert guidance is crucial to navigate this complex terrain and ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to in both countries.
Photo by Sora Sagano on Unsplash