Can I Claim a Social Security Spousal Benefit If I File For My Own Benefit First?

The highest spousal benefit is 50% of your husband’s primary insurance amount, or PIA, the retirement benefit he is entitled to at his full retirement age of 67, says Martha Shedden, RSSA®, CRPC®, president and co-founder of the National Association of Registered Social Security Analysts. “Yes, you can file for your own retirement at 62,” Shedden explains, “but when you begin to collect spousal benefits at your full retirement age (FRA), your total monthly benefit will be less than the 50% of your husband’s primary insurance amount, PIA.”

Published by Pamela Kweller, RSSA®

Pamela Kweller is the Content & Community Manager at RSSA. She is also certified as a Registered Social Security Analyst®. The mission of RSSA is to help Americans get the maximum Social Security income they have earned, enabling them to enjoy their lives more fully. Contact Pamela: