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Driving Medicare & Insurance Sales
Through Social Security Optimization

Jumping the market and being able to speak with your target demographic before they reach Medicare age outside of Medicare marketing guidelines will create an endless sales funnel of 10,000 Baby Boomers per day, who are going to be claiming Social Security and Medicare for the next 15 years.

RSSA® is a turn-key Social Security education, technology, marketing, and support program to help your organization build a sales funnel, fill seats at events, and open the door to organic Medicare, Insurance, and Wealth Management sales opportunities.

  • Want to increase your agent’s productivity?
  • Want to increase lead quality?
  • Want to create client relationships that are loyal and don’t jump ship during open enrollment?
  • Want to fill seats in educational seminars?
  • Grow a new pipeline of Medicare opportunities for your agents, leveraging RSSA® Social Security Optimization tools.
  • An RSSA® will learn how to identify current and future Medicare sales opportunities.
  • Effective lead generation and event marketing starts with RSSA Roadmap®.
  • Integrate this software as a holistic approach to retirement planning, leading to increased Medicare sales.
  • RSSA® is the only program that makes introductions to local centers of influence including CPAs and accountants.

If you’re ready to enroll in the education today, you can use Promo code: PARA200 to save $200.

Enroll Here

Turn Social Security Prospects into Medicare Clients

Request a Copy of our RSSA Presentation

NARSSA is quoted regularly in Barron’s, MarketWatch, US NewsThink Advisor, Investment News, CNBC, TheStreet and Smart Asset.

The RSSA® Social Security Program for advisors is approved in all states for CPAs by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, for EAs and PTIN holders by the Internal Revenue Service, for CFPs by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, and for the AIF, AIFA and PPC credentials by Broadridge Fi360.

NARSSA has educational partnerships with:

  • Society of Financial Service Professionals (FSP)
  • National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)
  • The Financial Planning Association (FPA)
  • National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)
  • Financial Services Institute (FSI)


NARSSA has created a comprehensive and professional set of tools, resources and marketing assets including one on one back-office agent support which will successfully walk an agent through a process that will significantly position them as an Authority in the Social Security space. This then translates into building a qualified pipeline of consumers for Medicare, Insurance or Wealth Management sales.

The unequivocal close relationship between Medicare & Social Security cannot be denied, and Social Security Optimization is the bridge to retirement planning. It is a Trojan Horse approach which will fill a funnel for Medicare & other insurance products like annuities for years to come.

Education, empathy, and a compassionate understanding of where a client is on their life journey, and addressing what they’re worried about is essential in today’s world and requires a holistic approach that uncovers client motivation by letting them know that you sincerely understand them and care for what is in their best interest.

NARSSA’s cloud-based software, RSSA Roadmap®, can be white labeled for enterprise. The customer journey is tracked by the appointed agent in a collaborative environment using a dashboard and notifications, and this process will reveal aspects of the client’s current financial status. This information will provide an agent pertinent data to guide clients accurately, intelligently, and holistically through one of the most important financial decisions that they will ever make: when to claim their Social Security benefits. The discovery process allows the agent to advise on Insurance & Wealth Management recommendations which are in their client’s best interest.

This strategy is a paradigm shift and is a game changer for an agent and the company they work for. It is a Blue Ocean opportunity.

If you’re ready to enroll in the education today, you can use Promo code: PARA200 to save $200.

Schedule a call if you’d like to learn more