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RSSA® - Your Trusted Social Security Partner.
Social Security Financial Wellness for Everyone.

Education | Software | Support

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Don't Miss Our Live Presentation: April 10th at 3pm, Track #2, Room Royal 12
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Latest Trends Across The Entire Aging Ecosystem

  • 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day4 presents substantial implications for programs like Medicare and Social Security, and Baby Boomers possess a cumulative net worth of nearly $75 trillion. The enormity of this wealth underscores the critical importance of effective planning, areas where RSSA services could provide invaluable assistance.1
  • 1M-10M avg monthly Google searches for Social Security2
  • Baby Boomers are expected to pass down an astonishing $84.4 trillion in assets through 2045, marking this period as the greatest transfer of wealth in history.3 Their decisions regarding Social Security, healthcare, and tax planning have profound implications on the wealth that can be transferred to the next generation.5
  • One in three Americans over the age of 65 relies on Social Security benefits alone, underscoring the importance of optimizing Social Security for healthcare needs.5
Who is RSSA®?

RSSA® is at the forefront of providing specialized Social Security education and innovative technology solutions to financial professionals and institutions. We empower advisors with the knowledge and tools to help their clients maximize their Social Security benefits – and to build a robust lead funnel, ultimately driving future opportunities.

Take a few minutes to listen to these testimonials from 2 RSSA® Medicare agents

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Our Portfolio of Services

  • Professional Education: Approved for professional continuing education by NASBA for the CPA Profession, the IRS for tax professionals, the CFP® Board for Certified Financial Planners, Broadridge for the AIF® credential and for Insurance CE by state insurance licensing boards nationwide. Through our comprehensive curriculum, participants dive deep into the complexities of Social Security, emerging with the knowledge to attain the RSSA® certification—signifying a mastery in Social Security advising that distinguishes professionals in the financial advisory landscape.
  • RSSA Roadmap® Software: Revolutionizes Social Security planning, offering an unparalleled, cutting-edge solution designed to optimize benefits for a diverse range of users. Tailored for use by enterprises, institutions, professionals, and individual consumers alike, it stands as a unique and versatile tool in the financial planning arsenal. With its ease of use, advanced analytics, benefit heat-map, and customizable planning features, this software empowers users to make informed decisions, maximize their Social Security benefits, and achieve financial security with confidence.
  • Lead Generation & Marketing Solutions: Offers comprehensive strategies and tools designed to enhance lead generation and marketing efforts for professionals in the financial industry, leveraging our presentations, scripts, and software that integrate with digital marketing techniques to drive business growth.
  • Turnkey Financial Wellness: Provides a complete, ready-to-use financial wellness program that supports individuals and organizations in achieving financial health and literacy, incorporating ‘do-it-yourself’ RSSA Roadmap® software, live and ever-green webinars, educational resources, and ongoing guidance to navigate Social Security challenges. Provide your members or group with access to the Social Security HR benefit they need, for a low rate.
  • Dedicated Support: Ensures clients receive tailored assistance through direct access to experienced professionals, offering support in education and Social Security knowledge, software utilization, strategy implementation, and addressing complex Social Security planning needs to maximize benefits.

Unlocking Growth for Advisors, Institutions, FMO/IMOs, Credit Unions, PEOs, Brokers, Carriers, and more.

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A Holistic Approach to Lead Generation

Jumping the market and being able to speak with your target demographic before they reach Medicare age outside of Medicare marketing guidelines will create an endless sales funnel of 10,000 Baby Boomers per day, who are going to be claiming Social Security and Medicare for the next 15 years.

RSSA® is a turn-key Social Security education, technology, marketing, and support program to help your organization build a sales funnel, fill seats at events, and open the door to organic Medicare, Insurance, and Wealth Management sales opportunities.

  • Want to increase your agent’s productivity?
  • Want to increase lead quality?
  • Want to create client relationships that are loyal and don’t jump ship during open enrollment?
  • Want to fill seats in educational seminars?
  • Grow a new pipeline of Medicare opportunities for your agents, leveraging RSSA® Social Security Optimization tools.
  • An RSSA® will learn how to identify current and future Medicare sales opportunities.
  • Effective lead generation and event marketing starts with RSSA Roadmap®.
  • Integrate this software as a holistic approach to retirement planning, leading to increased Medicare, Annuities, and Life Insurance sales opportunities.

Professionals: Enroll Now & Pay only $1,950 for the RSSA® package.
Schedule a call to learn more

Social Security Specialization

RSSAs have received training in Social Security regulations, including claiming strategies for different situations. After taking the comprehensive course, they must pass a proctored exam in order to earn their RSSA credential. The training curriculum meets QAS requirements and is accepted for self-study in all states for CPAs by NASBA, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy; for Enrolled agents and PTIN holders by the IRS; for CFPs by the Certified Financial Professionals Board, for the AIF, AIFA and PPC credentials by Broadridge Fi360, and for Insurance CE by all state insurance licensing boards nationwide, including Washington D.C., with the exceptions of Alaska, Louisiana, Minnesota, and New Jersey. Click here for state specific insurance continuing education monitoring requirements, forms and other information. NARSSA is listed in the FINRA Compliance Vendor Directory and materials have been FINRA reviewed. LPL Financial has approved the RSSA® credential program for advisors on their platform. The RSSA® credential is also included in the FINRA Professional Designations Database.

Features That Empower You

NARSSA has created a comprehensive and professional set of tools, resources and marketing assets including one on one back-office agent support which will successfully walk an agent through a process that will significantly position them as an Authority in the Social Security space. This then translates into building a qualified pipeline of consumers for Medicare, Insurance or Wealth Management sales.

The unequivocal close relationship between Medicare & Social Security cannot be denied, and Social Security Optimization is the bridge to retirement planning. It is an approach which will fill a funnel for Medicare & other insurance products like annuities for years to come.

Education, empathy, and a compassionate understanding of where a client is on their life journey, and addressing what they’re worried about is essential in today’s world and requires a holistic approach that uncovers client motivation by letting them know that you sincerely understand them and care for what is in their best interest.

The RSSA Roadmap® customer journey is tracked by the appointed agent in a collaborative environment that will reveal aspects of the client’s current financial status. This information will provide an agent pertinent data to guide clients accurately, intelligently, and holistically through one of the most important financial decisions that they will ever make: when to claim their Social Security benefits. The discovery process allows the agent to advise on Insurance & Wealth Management recommendations which are in their client’s best interest.

This strategy is a paradigm shift and is a game changer for an agent and the company they work for.

Professionals: Enroll Now & Pay only $1,950 for the RSSA® package.
Schedule a call to learn more


RSSA® Presentation to Insurance Agents

RSSA Roadmap® Client Portal Experience for Consumers
Access the RSSA Roadmap® Client Portal

Because you attended MedicareCon, you can get free access to the RSSA Roadmap® to test out for yourself. Get the Social Security benefits you deserve. The average household loses over $139,000 in potential income by making the wrong Social Security claiming decisions. RSSA Roadmap® will help you get the money you earned and are entitled to. After testing it out, speak with our team to learn how we can partner and integrate RSSA® into your business as a Social Security partner.

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2. ‘Google’s Keyword Planner’ March 28, 2024