Thomas Butler

RSSA, Fscp, Lutcf


Medicare Solutions & Retirement, LLC
8616 Reindeer Moss Dr
Wake Forest, NC 27587, US


Average Rating: 0 stars (based on ratings)

Professional Profile

A trusted Medicare Advisor to thousands of seniors in NC.  My System eliminates the stress and keeps you organized with cost efficient results.  Complete line of Medicare Products.

Registered Financial Advisor ®
RSSA – Registered Social Security Analyst ®
FSCP – Financial Services Certified Professional ®
LUTCF – Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow ®

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    Real Stories from Real People

    Most People Leave Money on the Table


    Don't Optimize

    Very few people get all the Social Security they deserve.


    Is Lost

    The average household is losing $111,000 in potential income.

    1 Chance

    To Claim

    Social Security gives you one chance to get it right – forever.

    Maximize Your Benefits

    Discover important information for your situation.