Michelle Jing Liu


True Healthcare4us, LLC
1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 207 #736
Houston, TX 77077, US


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Professional Profile

Michelle JING LIU is a certified Registered Social Security Analyst® can help guide you through the complexities of Social Security to maximize your benefits. Synchronizes your Social Security decisions seamlessly with your comprehensive retirement blueprint, granting you the tranquility of knowing you’re well-prepared. Speak to Michelle Jing Liu — a trained expert — for a consultation. You’ll receive a comprehensive personalized analysis and advice that may provide you with thousands or tens of thousands more in lifetime benefits.     您好!我是Michelle Liu,美国注册社会安全福利分析师,我也是美国医疗保险健保计划和Medicare认证注册的专业代理人。作为一名福利顾问,我能为个人,家庭提供医疗计划,联邦红蓝卡,最佳社会保障退休规划分析,残疾福利、离婚丧偶以及正常配偶社会保障福利等方面为您答疑解惑。欢迎咨询,我的联系方式为:邮箱:truehealthcare4us@hotmail.com 电话:318-573-6186 微信:michelle_liu2023

Areas of Expertise

  • Insurance Agent

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    Real Stories from Real People

    Most People Leave Money on the Table


    Don't Optimize

    Very few people get all the Social Security they deserve.


    Is Lost

    The average household is losing $111,000 in potential income.

    1 Chance

    To Claim

    Social Security gives you one chance to get it right – forever.

    Maximize Your Benefits

    Discover important information for your situation.

    Disclaimer: Pls update my business address 1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd Suite 207 #736